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Monarch Family Single Parents Non-Profit Inc. is gearing up to host the 2nd Annual All-White Charity Ball, an event that celebrates and supports single mothers and fathers who raise their children alone. The ball will take place on Saturday, Jan. 27, at the SkyView on Hay, a prestigious venue located at 125 Hay St. in Fayetteville. The event will start at 6 p.m. and end at 11 p.m..

Ashley Graham, the event organizer, is committed to creating an elegant and purposeful evening that genuinely embraces and bolsters single parents.

"It's pivotal to accentuate their unwavering commitment and fortitude in nurturing their children,” said Graham.

The All-White Charity Ball provides an opportunity for attendees to network with diverse businesses, gain invaluable insights and support, and contribute to a movement championing the resilience and unwavering dedication of single mothers and fathers.

Monarch Family Single Parents Non-Profit Inc. is a community-based organization that provides essential resources, educational platforms, training and family-centric events to support single parents and their families. The proceeds from the All-White Annual Charity Ball will be used to amplify the organization's mission, ensuring a sustained influx of aid and resources for the single-parent community.

"Monarch Family is devoted to furnishing indispensable resources, educational platforms, training avenues and orchestrating family-centric events," shared Graham. "Our overarching goal is to weave a safety net that empowers single parents to thrive in their roles."

The event offers the community a chance to unite in solidarity with single parents and celebrate their unwavering commitment and fortitude in nurturing their children.

Tickets for this highly anticipated event are available for purchase, promising an evening teeming with camaraderie and celebration, all while tangibly impacting the lives of single-parent families. For further details and ticket acquisitions, individuals interested in contributing to this noble cause can visit https://www.monarcfamily.com/all-white-annual-charity-ball or directly contact Ashley Graham at ashley.graham@monarchfamily.com.