pexels italo melo 2356140In a poignant celebration of faith and unity, Fort Liberty will host a sunrise service on March 31 at the Main Post Parade Field. This unique event will see nine chapels from Fort Liberty converging into a single worship experience, symbolizing the collective spirit of the military community as they come together to celebrate Easter.

This event welcomes all, urging attendees to bring their chairs and linger after the service for light refreshments. The atmosphere is not just one of solemn reverence but a coming together of diverse Christian denominations within the military community.

Chaplain Col. James Foster, a key organizer of the event, expressed his enthusiasm for the Easter season, stating, "I am excited to celebrate the Easter season because it unites Christians together to recognize the Resurrection of Christ and what He offers to give to those who place their trust in Him, and that we too will live with Him eternally."

This sentiment captures the essence of the event – a celebration of unity and faith within the military community.

As attendees gather on this hallowed ground, the words of Matthew 28:1-10 and Mark 16:1-8, embedded in the ceremony, will resonate. These scriptures, encapsulating the account of the Resurrection, serve as the foundation of the Easter celebration. In Matthew, the angel proclaims, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said."
In his gospel, Mark describes the awe and fear that gripped the women at the empty tomb, with the angel instructing them, "Don't be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him."

These verses encapsulate the core message of Easter – the triumph of life over death, of hope over despair. As the military community at Fort Liberty comes together to observe this sacred sunrise service, these words will guide the reflections and prayers, fostering a collective sense of gratitude and renewal.
Access to Fort Liberty is a prerequisite for attendance, ensuring the security and cohesion of the event. Those interested in joining can obtain a visitor pass by visiting The process is streamlined, and free parking is available for all attendees.

The event signifies the spiritual bonding within the military community and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by service members. The Main Post Parade Field, a stage for various military ceremonies, now witnesses a different kind of ceremony — one that transcends divisions, denominations, and ranks.

Fort Liberty, a bastion of discipline and order, will momentarily transform into a space where the shared faith of the military community takes center stage. This sunrise service acknowledges the spiritual resilience that sustains service members through the challenges they face in the line of duty. "All are welcome" is the resounding call, and as the Main Post Parade Field becomes a tapestry of diverse uniforms, a sense of camaraderie prevails. The sunrise, symbolic of a new day and a fresh beginning, aligns seamlessly with the themes of Easter – a celebration of rebirth, redemption, and the unwavering hope that unites Christians worldwide.

The sunrise service at Fort Liberty promises a unique Easter celebration and a testament to the enduring spirit of faith within the military community. It is a reminder that the shared commitment to faith provides a foundation for unity and resilience regardless of differences or duty stations. So, as the first light of dawn breaks over Fort Liberty, it will illuminate not only the Parade Field but also the collective spirit of the military community, bound together by the timeless message of Easter – the triumph of life, the promise of hope, and the enduring power of faith.

As attendees disperse to their respective chapels, continuing services allow for a more intimate and focused exploration of the Easter message within the individual faith communities. The various chapels, each with a unique ambiance and tradition, offer a meaningful extension of the sunrise service, fostering a deeper connection with the Resurrection theme.

The chapels are spread strategically across Fort Liberty, providing convenient locations for service members and their families to continue their Easter observance. The timing of the services is designed to accommodate various schedules, ensuring that all military community members can participate and experience the spiritual enrichment that Easter brings. For more information about any of the services offered, please call the Religious Support Office at 910-396-1121 or visit
Here are the details for the post-sunrise services:

All American Chapel
Sun 10 a.m. Sunday School
Sun 11 a.m. Worship Service** Live Stream
Thu 6 p.m. Men's Bible Study (Spanish) 2nd and 4th Thu

Airborne Artillery Memorial Chapel
Sun 10:30 a.m. HolyTrinity Anglican
Sun 11:45 a.m. Anglican Sunday School

JFK Memorial Chapel
Sun 10 a.m. Bible Study
Sun 11 a.m. Faith Community Fellowship
Tue 12 p.m. Protestant Bible Study

Pope Chapel
Sun 9:30 a.m. Worship Service
Sun 10:30 a.m. Sunday School
Wed 6 p.m. Bible Study

Gordon Elementary
Sun 10 a.m. Linden Oaks Fellowship

Main Post Chapel
Sun 10 a.m. Worship Service
Sun 11 a.m. Bible Study

Womack Chapel
Sun 9 a.m. Worship Service
Tue 12 p.m. Bible Study

Smith Lake MWR Park
Sun 10 a.m. Outdoor Life Church (May-Nov.) Live Stream
Sun. 11 a.m. Winter Hours

Wood Memorial Chapel
Sun 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Sun 11 a.m. Gospel Service Live Stream
Tue 6:30 p.m. Virtual Bible Study