{mosimage} So many times we hear, “anything is better than nothing.” I even tell folks that╔ and it’s true to a point. BUT, it may not be enough to make a positive change in what our body looks like, feels like or acts like - it is simply a start! What that means is that, yes, you’ve started something, and while it’s a step in the right direction č  you might even see some change, it is not enough to carry you to your goal of “toning up,” sculpting the “wavy arm syndrome,” getting rid of a beer belly made for five years of a hard college indulgence or reversing a health problem! It is merely a start.

Let me explain╔

It’s a wonderful thing when someone starts on a new plan č the body responds by shedding a few unwanted pounds or inches; getting a little bit stronger, and we generally feel better about ourselves, which in turn spurs us on for a little while longer. The reality of this is that it is simply your body’s natural reaction! What’s happening is your body is responding to a new stimulus forcing it to respond. Once it’s adapted to that new stimulus, it’s now nothing more than the new “normal” for us!

What that means is that our bodies will no longer respond to that stimulus! It’s simply part of our daily norm. Some days might be harder than others, but all in all, the body will no longer be forced to change. See, our bodies are a naturally adaptive organism designed to respond to stimulus. Positive stimulus equals positive response; negative equals negative. Nothing new equals no change!

To make constantly improving changes to our bodies, we must constantly change what we are doing. I know I’ll step on a lot of toes out there, but once your body has responded to walking, it becomes nothing more than transportation! Yes, you can walk further and or faster, but ultimately, it just means going further and faster....Very little will change!

Same thing with how many days you should exercise. Yes, I tell people that two days a week is a great start and we have many people who do see good results in twice a week. But, in all reality, you do need exercise the body four or five days a week╔ you just don’t have to live in the gym! We’ll talk about that in future issues.

Two of the most important things you can do outside of proper nutrition and rest, is constantly vary your workouts and use intensity!

How do we do this? First, start by selecting exercises that are going to illicit a huge physiological and neurological change in your body. These are compound movements that use the whole body like squatting, deadlifting and pressing. Leave the fluffy exercises till the end or skip them all together. These “big” exercises can seem daunting if never done before, but once you master them, you will find they do a lot more for you than the machines at your local gym. Next, combine your weight training with your cardio╔ mix it up. Constantly change how you exercise and do this three or four times a week.

After that, exercise with intensity! Now that is relative to the individual╔. Intensity for someone never having exercised before is possibly five minutes and if that’s you, that is awesome! Five minutes is a HUGE accomplishment for someone who hasn’t exercised before. For those of you who go to the gym regularly, here is what intensity is not: using a piece of cardio equipment, reading a magazine, talking on a cell phone and catching the latest rerun of Friends

If you want to see changes in your body, in how you look, and how you feel, your workouts should be challenging and done at a level that you struggle to accomplish it. I don’t believe in the old adage, “no pain, no gain.” That’s a means to an injury, but I do believe that it should not be comfortable. Remember, we got where we are by being “comfortable.” Do we really want to stay there?

John Velandra is the owner of Designs In Fitness and Cross Fit Cape Fear. COMMENTS? 484-6200 ext. 222 or editor@upandcomingweekly.com

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