30Fans of New York City’s theater culture will be delighted by Cumberland Choral Art’s upcoming Broadway Revue on Oct. 19. The performance will boast popular tunes that have long played significant roles in the lives of all who find music and story a compelling combination.
Dr. Michael Martin, Artistic Director for Cumberland Choral Arts, says the concert is about community celebration. He hopes the handpicked numbers will provoke a sense of reflection and remarks such as, “That brought back so many memories!” and “I haven’t heard that one in so long!”
Martin’s involvement with CCA has morphed through the years, but he fondly recalled his role in helping the group transition from the Cumberland Oratorio Singers to their current title. When he first took a position with the group in 2008, their focus had included primarily Oratorio music.
“I tried to broaden the palette quite a bit,” he said of the transition.
They started including jazz, musicals, Renaissance-era pieces, and more in their performances. But in 2017, he stepped away for a time and shifted his focus, not knowing if he would ever revisit involvement.
Two and a half years later, a phone call from the group’s president changed that.
“It just kind of grew back into my life again,” he explained.
The next few years saw him navigating virtual concerts with Covid-era restrictions, during which he felt that the idea of community involvement and giving back got “a little lost in the shuffle.” But they’ve seen membership grow regardless.
“Before COVID, it was probably about 50 or 60 people, now we’re flirting with consistent membership of right around 100 and that’s an incredible amount of growth, I think, for this group,” he said.
Currently, three choirs comprise CCA: Cumberland Choral Arts, Campbellton Youth Chorus, and Cross Creek Choral. Each has a distinct focus, but all will be performing at the Broadway Revue.
Martin said the repertoire will be a survey of Broadway hits from the 1950s to the present day. He expressed how challenging it was to distill such an extensive body of work into an hour of performances.
After some deliberation on what to include, he presented specific ideas to the board and was met with excitement.
Attendees can look forward to inclusions such as “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton, “The Greatest Show” from The Greatest Showman, “The Impossible Dream” from Don Quixote, a piece from Where’s Charley, “For Good” from Wicked, and medleys from Oklahoma, The Music Man, and My Fair Lady.
The finale will bring all three choirs together to sing a piece from The Sound of Music — a particularly significant inclusion that pays homage to Cumberland Choral Art’s recent tour in Austria and Prague.
Martin referenced the cross-generational appeal of musicals saying they tried to make sure there was, “a little bit for everyone.” He encouraged the community to come take part in the experience they hope to provide.
Membership with CCA is rolling throughout the year and opens for placements two weeks before each concert. New members selected before the Oct. 19 Broadway Revue will sing in the Dec. 7 Messiah performance.
The Broadway Revue will be held Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Haymount UMC, New Life Center on 1700 Fort Bragg Rd.

(Photo: Dr. Michael Martin is the artistic director of CCA.  Photo courtesy of Cumberland Choral Arts Facebook page)

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