17The question has been asked many times. A princess finds herself in a situation with a problem to solve and sometimes, or most of the time, ends up falling in love. Love at first sight is the common thread of many of the tales of Disney princesses.
But what happens after happily ever after?
This is a question that Jonathan Van Dyke and others are hoping to address with their production of “Disenchanted,” a musical comedy, which will be performed at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke on Friday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m.
“Disenchanted is the story of the princesses and what happens after … it is funny, honest, irreverent and poignant as much as real life is,” says Van Dyke.
Van Dyke is the director and co-producer with Marcie Gorman on the production. The story will follow Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty hosting a Princess Variety Hour and feature many more princesses. The audience will come to know the real story of what happened to these princesses.
One such princess, in character form, is Actress Kat Gold. She plays both Hua Mulan and Rapunzel in the production. For Gold, it's a chance to play two very different characters in one production.
“Mulan goes through a self-discovery journey in this show realizing why she isn’t like the other princesses. Rapunzel, on the other hand, is a very stern lady who refuses to be Americanized and commercialized like the other storybook princesses.”
And just like each princess has their own problems and story, each comes with their own musical style. The show will go from contemporary pop sounds to country to traditional musical theatre “show-stoppers.” Gold said her favorite part of the show is singing “Without a Guy.”
“As mixed queer kid, I never felt like I quite fit in and getting to sing this song really hits me hard,” Gold says.
The songs, according to Van Dyke, are all hits and he hopes the members of the audience will go out humming a different tune. The show pulls in a strong female empowerment theme but Van Dyke wants people to know that it’s enjoyable for anyone.
“This show is for everyone. Humanity is at the core of Disenchanted and delivered in a highly entertaining way,” he says. “It’s laugh-out-loud funny from start to finish but it is deceptively layered with many poignant elements that deliver all the feels.”
He expects both laughs and maybe some tears from the audience.
“There are … a variety of messages to think about.”
Disenchanted is a true production with lots of travel involved. Along with that, there are always some challenges. The cast will perform in new venues consistently and end up in new towns. But Van Dyke and the others take this in stride.
“There are always adjustments to be made and some quick thinking,” he says.
In the end, Van Dyke says, they always figure it out and the show will go on. All this work they and the others have put in is worth it in the end.
“We hope that the audiences at Givens leave uplifted with a new sense of understanding of these princesses and themselves,” he says.
The show will take place at Givens Performing Arts Center on Friday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets range from $25-$35. Tickets and more information for Disenchanted can be found on the website at www.uncp.edu.

(Photo courtesy of Givens Performing Arts Center)

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