pexels ton vn 18738681In a wonderful cultural shift challenging traditional stereotypes, Rex Plowden Heirs plans to create an enjoyable and relaxing new setting for men in an unlikely way– tea parties.

Ayreka Plowden and her two sons, William and Cory II, are all co-owners of Rex Plowden Heirs. Both William and Cory came up with the fun new idea for a men’s tea party.

“I haven’t [been to] a boy’s tea party before,” Cory explains, “I always saw girls do it but I wanted to do one for the boys.” William, the eldest son at 8 years old, joins in to explain, “I think it’s going to be a fun thing to do for boys. We can talk and learn different things about [the] people [that come].”

Their mother heard their ideas and turned it into a reality. At Ayreka’s current job, she hosts various types of exhibition events throughout the year. Instead of hosting an event for herself, she decided to let her boys’ ideas come to fruition. As avid tea drinkers, the three family members knew it would be a wonderful way to bring people together to promote health and create a positive male community. Their focus is to bring boys together and instill loving values and traditions in them that will help them succeed and be their most authentic selves.

Rex Plowden Heirs’ Tea party is set to take place on Feb. 3, from noon to 2 p.m. and invites young men and boys alike to spend a relaxing afternoon making friends, exchanging stories, and drinking delicious tea. Though primarily geared towards young men and boys of color, who have often been excluded from events like this, everyone is welcome. The venue is on the seventh floor at 100 Hay Street #Suite 706 in Fayetteville. Make sure to get your tickets ahead of time so Rex Plowden Heirs can accommodate everyone with an accurate headcount.


“I am ever grateful for Ms. Sylvia Glanton for allowing me to utilize her space for this event for my boys and it’s a really beautiful space and I really can’t wait to set everything up,” Plowden says.

“[We want to show] that boys can have tea parties as well and to show them how to properly present themselves in society."

Plowden explains just how helpful this event can be for so many young people.

“[This] gives them an opportunity to put their best foot forward [and] gives them a chance to put some pride in themselves and how they dress and how they present themselves to others.”

Plowden and her two boys have plenty of games and activities planned. Hot and cold tea will be provided alongside hors d'oeuvres. They ask attendees dress to impress, whether that means a nice suit or a well-loved dress shirt. Bring friends and family to create an even bigger and sweeter community for young boys to figure out who they are and what they like. The more positive male figures and support, the better. Tickets are $45 for an adult male, $15 for a young boy, and $25 for any extra men in your party.

Rex Plowden Heirs hopes to host a boy’s tea party annually to continually create a safe space for men and boys to have positive male bonding. “I wanted to kind of get out of the toxic masculine mindset that drinking tea [is or] isn’t masculine,” Plowden explains.

If you’d like to help sponsor or be a part of this event, visit for tickets or contact Rex Plowden Heirs on the same website.

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