14United Way of Cumberland County is hosting its annual Meal Packing Event on August 22, at the Crown Expo Center, 1960 Coliseum Drive from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Doors open for volunteers at 10:30 a.m. Last year, volunteers packed 70,000 meals within 2 hours. This year, United Way of Cumberland County hopes to match that number again.
What is the Meal Packing Event?
The Meal Packing Event is an annual event, that brings volunteers from across the county together to pack meals that will then be distributed to non-profits who feed those in the community.
What nonprofits are being supported by the meal packing event 2024?
• Alms House Hope Mills
ALMS HOUSE collects and redistributes food to families each day. This food comes from surplus and prepared perishables that make donations to their program. Their goal is to bridge the gaps between individual income and government benefits.
Website: https://www.almshousehopemills.com/food-asisstance/
• Armed Services YMCA
The ASYMCA Fort Liberty Food Pantry helps to combat this issue in the community they serve. This program helps military families worry less about food and focus on mission readiness.
Website: https://fortliberty.asymca.org/services/food-assistance/
• Catholic Charities
Hunger in our communities is an issue that far too many families are experiencing. A lack of nutritious meals can have long-lasting effects on the physical, mental, and social well-being of all members of a family. In response to this need, Catholic Charities operates five food pantries in central and eastern North Carolina.
They recognize that addressing hunger requires a community response. Therefore, Catholic Charities leverages the support of community partners to provide over 3 million pounds of food to families in need each year. Catholic Charities Food Pantry Services are dedicated to distributing healthy groceries, increasing access to food, and developing innovative solutions to address food insecurity in a collaborative way.
On each visit, families receive a week’s worth of groceries, helping to fill the gap that families experience once their resources have been exhausted and before they receive their next paycheck. Once their immediate need for food is addressed, Catholic Charities staff and volunteers may connect families to other critical services that aim to remove barriers to self-sufficiency, increasing access to opportunities and creating hope for a better future. With dignity and respect at the forefront of all interactions, families are offered a hand up during their most challenging times.
Website: https://www.catholiccharitiesraleigh.org/food-pantry/
• Falcons Children’s Home
Falcon Children's Home is a childcare facility. They have no other purpose or business. The care of children is their foremost concern and the centerpiece of all that they do. They seek to provide services and opportunities that will enhance the well-being of every child - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Website: https://www.falconchildrenshome.org/residential-care
• Fayetteville Urban Ministry
FUM came into existence in 1974 to address the widespread needs of people suffering in crisis situations throughout the county. Starting from a basement, Emergency Assistance grew into an effective grassroots operation that touched thousands of lives. Now the program houses a food pantry, clothing closet, and a financial assistance service for families and individuals in crisis. All of this is made possible by community partners who donate non-perishable food items, new & lightly used clothing, hygiene items, household goods, and money. Their EA department offers financial assistance (when funds are available) and support to help people meet their basic needs and overcome financial barriers that may be setting them back. They help transform lives by providing basic necessities to those in need and strive to help them make permanent improvements to get them back on track.
“It is simply amazing what a bag of groceries, clothing, or a few dollars can do to transform a life story!” In December of 2022, by utilizing funding provided by local partnerships, they were able to provide utility and rent/mortgage assistance to nearly 50 families in need.
Website: https://www.fayurbmin.org/emergency-assistance
• Operation Blessing
Since 1982, they have seen literally thousands of people come to them in need. Through the years, our community has generously donated clothing and food to reach out to their neighbors.
Due to trying economic times and cuts in social programs, many come to Operation Blessing to have their needs met, all without cost.
Website: https://operationblessingfayetteville.com/what-we-do/
• Spring Lake Family Support Services
The Fresh Start program for the homeless is about restoring hope and dignity to those who struggle most in our communities.
A domestic violence program designed to mobilize our community, promote safety & empower victims and their families to break the chains of emotional, mental, and physical abuse.
Website: https://www.thekinseyhouse.org/services

• Second Harvest Food Bank Children’s Backpack Program
The “Hunger Relief for Kids” Backpack program provides end-of-week meals for students who may not have nutritious foods to eat outside of their school system. Each “backpack” contains protein, vegetable, fruit, and grain options for children in easily accessible packaging. Through the backpack program,they are able to provide thousands of meals to students in their service area annually.
Website: https://hungercantwait.org/feed-2/child-feeding-programs/
How can I get involved?
Last year’s event had 300 volunteers. Organizers hope to increase that number this year. Those interested in volunteering can do so in different capacities. There is Setup, Runner/Table Manager, Meal Packing Attendee, Table Volunteer, and Break down. Each volunteer position, a description, and time slot are available online https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UdgGPgPsXFsDQ8jNILdqq1HBJ9cSNjhM4oeiX_oFveU/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Volunteers can register to volunteer online https://unitedway-cc.dm.networkforgood.com/forms/2024-meal-packing-event
For community members who are unable to volunteer, United Way of Cumberland County is also taking donations for the Meal Packing Event 2024. Those who wish to donate can do so using the link https://unitedway-cc.networkforgood.com/projects/227735-2024-meal-packing-event
Who do I contact for more information?
Ashlee Pearson at 910-483-1179 ext. 225 or development@unitedway-cc.org
What can I look forward to as a volunteer?
Don’t fear, packing food has never been so much fun. This year’s event will feature a Meal Packing Challenge, a peer-to-peer fundraising challenge, aimed at getting the community energized to raise money to feed individuals and families. The team that raises the most money will receive the Meal Packing Challenge Award. There will also be awards for the team with the most creative team t-shirt and an award for the team that packs the most meals.
Make sure to register today! Let’s fight hunger together.

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