7City Budget Work Sessions
The City of Fayetteville invites residents and stakeholders to attend a series of Budget Work Sessions which began May 16 at 10 a.m. at City Hall. Future dates will be published. These sessions are crucial as city officials discuss and refine the fiscal year budget.
The Budget Work Sessions will be open to the public and are aimed at fostering transparency and community involvement in the municipal budgeting process. These discussions will take place in Council Chambers at City Hall located at 433 Hay Street.
There will be a Public Hearing on May 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. This hearing gives community members another opportunity to voice their opinions on how public funds are allocated.
The Budget Work Sessions and Public Hearing are integral to our commitment to an open and participative government. It is encouraged for all residents to attend and engage during this process as the budget is aimed to align fiscal strategies with the community’s needs.
Residents who wish to speak at the public hearing can sign up on the City Clerk’s website at fayettevillenc.gov/clerk. All sessions and the public hearing will be streamed live on faytv.net.
For more information about the Budget Work Sessions or the Public Hearing, please visit our website at fayettevillenc.gov/budget.

Arts Council's Public Works Community Exhibition
The Arts Council of Fayetteville|Cumberland County is excited to open up its gallery walls to the community with its annual Public Works Community Art Exhibition. This exhibit is an opportunity to celebrate the full gambit of artists found in our community.
2-D and 3-D works will be accepted by any artist residing in Cumberland, Hoke, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland Counties, Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield.
“It doesn’t matter if you are 3 or 93 years of age as this exhibit provides an opportunity for all people in our community to publicly express themselves through their creative artwork,” said Bob Pinson, President/CEO of the Arts Council. "We are grateful to the Public Works Commission for helping to sponsor this exhibit for our community."
The opening reception will be held on May 24, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Arts Center located in Downtown Fayetteville.
Held on Fourth Friday, this reception is an opportunity to celebrate the artists exhibiting work in the gallery. Light refreshments will be available.
Admission is Free and Open to the Public. The exhibition will be open from May 24 to July 20.
For regular updates on the Arts Council, follow this organization on Facebook (@ArtsCouncilFay) or Instagram (@artscouncilfay).

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