news1Former U.S. Senator Robert Morgan was a man of public service to North Carolina like few others. He died July 16 at his home in nearby Buies Creek at the age of 90. Morgan, a Democrat, served in the U.S. Senate from 1975 until 1981. He then served as Director of the State Bureau of Investigation until 1992, when he returned to his law practice in Lillington. Morgan was a state senator for 14 years from 1955 to 1969 and N.C. Attorney General from 1969 to 1974. As Attorney General, Morgan established the consumer protection office. In 2000, he became founding President of the N.C. Center for Voter Education, a nonprofit/nonpartisan organization. Morgan graduated from Wake Forest University School of Law after earning his undergraduate degree from East Carolina University. He is survived by his wife and three children. 












news2Freedom Memorial Park        

Fayetteville’s “Honor Triangle” began with one man’s dream for a local war memorial park. In 1997, then City Councilman Don Talbot had an idea: Find a place to honor American veterans who served in 20th Century wars. Fast forward to July of 2016. Freedom Memorial Park is a reality on the site of what was a rundown gas station at the corner of Bragg Boulevard and Hay Street and is a testament to Talbot’s vision. The park is about to get its fifth war memorial. Monuments have been in place for several years commemorating World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. Next up is a memorial to those why gave their lives during the Global War on Terror. This month, the Cape Fear Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America wrapped up its pledge to raise $25,000 for the new memorial. Association President Juan Chavez presented Talbot with a check representing the final installment. Design work is underway for the new monument. Asked about his determination to turn a dream into reality, Talbot told Up & Coming Weekly, “It’s something the community needed to do.” Talbot and his steering committee have invested a quarter of a million dollars in privately raised funds for the park, which became the anchor for the Airborne and Special Operations Museum across Bragg Boulevard, and the North Carolina Veteran’s Park down the street — Fayetteville’s “Honor Triangle.”







news3Census Bureau to Count Deployed Military as Residents of Duty Station 

State and local officials are praising the U.S. Census Bureau’s decision to count U.S. military personnel who are deployed outside the U.S. as residents of the state where they live and sleep most of the time. The new policy also applies to those who are living temporarily outside the U.S. Previously, the Census Bureau counted deployed service members as residents of the states they lived in at the time they joined the armed services. The change for the 2020 census means that all deployed service members from North Carolina’s military installations will be counted as residents of North Carolina. The undercounting of service members cost North Carolina, the ninth largest in the nation, an additional Congressional seat following the 2010 census. And, since many federal tax dollars are distributed according to population, North Carolina will benefit from additional education, transportation and agriculture funding as a result of an increased population in the 2020 census. The proposed changes were published in the Federal Register in June. The Census Bureau is seeking public comment in writing through Aug. 1 and a final announcement of the 2020 rules is expected in 2017.









news4City Says Goodbye to PWC…Sort of    

The Fayetteville Public Works Commission no longer handles the City of Fayetteville’s purchasing. With the new fiscal year, the city launched its own purchasing office and accompanying webpage. City government farmed out procurement to PWC several years ago believing that a consolidated effort would be more cost effective. Former City Manager Ted Voorhees persuaded a previous City council that it should separate itself from PWC, and, in this regard, he was successful. 

Purchasing is a division of the Finance Department according to a news release. “The City of Fayetteville welcomes the opportunity to do business with interested merchants and vendors in the community,” said Interim City Manager Doug Hewitt. “The hope is that the new purchasing webpage will help improve business opportunities for local business owners especially, and provide a more transparent process for doing business with the City,” Hewitt added. The purchasing division “is responsible for all purchases for the City including materials, supplies, services and equipment,” said Chief Financial Officer Cheryl Spivey. The webpage includes a vendor registration form for businesses so staff can reach out to them. The City encourages the participation of minority and small disadvantaged businesses. 







news582nd Airborne Change of Command      

Brig. Gen Michael E. Kurilla will take command of the 82nd Airborne Division on Aug. 2 at Pike Field. Clarke took command of the All-American Division in October 2014, also as a one-star general. He was promoted soon thereafter. Clarke led a deployment to Iraq from June 2015 to March 2016. There, the division headquarters served as the Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command. Clarke will become vice-director of strategic plans and policy for the Joint Staff at the Pentagon.

Kurilla comes to Fort Bragg from the Pentagon, where he was deputy director for special operations and counter terrorism for the Joint Staff.












news6Emergency Summer Heat Relief     

The Salvation Army is accepting Crisis Intervention Program applications from individuals and families who are in danger of experiencing health emergencies because of summer heat and humidity. 

Limited funds are available and households are served on a first-come, first-served basis. The CIP program is administered by the Cumberland County Department of Social Services, but applications are taken by the Salvation Army at its location at 1047 Southern Ave. 

Emergency aid is paid directly to utility providers of those approved for funding. Benefits will vary based upon the needs to alleviate the crisis. Households will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 

For more information, call the Department of Social Services message line at 677-2821.

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