02 01BOFspread2019awardspartyAnother Best of Fayetteville has come and gone, and we couldn’t be more proud. Every year, our staff spend months consumed with the Best of Fayetteville. From tracking and counting ballots to notifying and celebrating with the winners, it’s a massive undertaking. But one that is well worth it. 

Seeing the smiles and hearing the chatter at our Best of Fayetteville Party last Tuesday brought home all the reasons we do this annual survey — to celebrate this community, to honor those who are committed to making a difference here, to reach out to our readers and to embrace the excellence that resides here. If you were at the party, you know what I am talking about. The businesses, nonprofits, individuals and groups who came out to let us honor them and their impact on the community had the Ramada Plaza buzzing with excitement. 

One of my favorite things about my job is getting to tell the good news stories here — and there are plenty. Fayetteville and Cumberland County are filled with creative, passionate people determined to do what they can to make their corner of the world a little brighter, and seeing so many of them in one place was invigorating.

Congratulations to the Best of Fayetteville winners. And a big thank you to our readers for participating and showing us exactly what it is that makes this place so special.

Here’s to you, Fayetteville and Cumberland County! Thanks for allowing us to celebrate your goodness and to share your stories.

Check out pages 28-31 to see pictures from the party! A big thank you to all our partners who helped make this event happen!



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Click Here for our complete Winners List:

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