7 Editor's note: This column was submitted by former City Councilman Tyrone Williams, who is currently running for the District 2 seat.

As an entrepreneur and private money lender, I routinely receive requests from investors for the purpose of funding real estate transactions, generally secured by a note and mortgage/deed of trust. So when I received a call from previous financial consultant for the city of Fayetteville on behalf of the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel, who was in need of $100,000 to close on the property at 250 Hay Street, I was eager to provide my services in an effort to help my city. I funded the loan for $100,000 payable to the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel of 450 Hay, LLC, by way of the attorneys at closing. (Refer to Cumberland County Register of Deeds) In addition, in an effort to keep the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel in compliance with the city ordinance, my construction company provided mechanical services in excess of $15,000 to be repaid with money, or in-kind services never were paid.

Years after the loan was funded and my construction company completed work on the property, it came to my attention the subject property was penalized due to modification not being done in accordance with Historic Guidelines. The city threatened the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel with condemnation and tax liens which put my first lien position in jeopardy. Thankfully, the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel eventually repaid the $100,000 loan after I later read in The Fayetteville Observer the city was going to foreclose on the property. I assumed the property would have been transferred by way of tax lien and the other $15,000 debt the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel owed me was therefore canceled. I didn’t realize it never went through the tax sale. All of this happened prior to my being elected to City Council.

I ran for City Council and was elected. While in office vote came up for the construction of the Prince Charles Hotel and the Parking Deck. After reading the contract and relying on my experience as an entrepreneur, real estate investor, developer and negotiator, the contract seemed more beneficial for the private developer with little benefit for our city. I voted against it, but it still passed 9 to 1. Looking back, I realized this is where the witch hunt began. Mr. Archie McMillian got it right. I am referring to The Fayetteville Observer article, April 11, 2018, titled Opinions Mixed on Williams. The late Archie McMillian, who was the owner of Mr. Zeke’s Shoe Shine Shop, said, “I think it’s a witch hunt.”

A few months later, I got a call from my attorney at that time, stating the owner of the Prince Charles Hotel never received the 1st lien satisfaction letter that showed the $100,000 loan was paid off. At this point, I refused to sign off on the lien because the purchaser of the Prince Charles Hotel never paid me for services rendered for the other $15,000 debt. Somehow, the title company transferred the Prince Charles Hotel property, and they were able to move forward without the satisfaction letter.

As a council member, I sought advice on how to be transparent in this situation. At that time, I asked the Fayetteville financial manager about this action and was told that I needed to talk with the city attorney. The city financial manager later took early retirement. Now the witch hunt began with me dealing with threats, my home being damaged, and continually being harassed. The situation with the tape recording was a set-up that was altered to make it look like bribery. They forgot to cut out the part where we discussed taking that discussion back to the city attorney. At the next meeting between myself and the city attorney, I was informed that she had hired an attorney based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, to represent the city of Fayetteville.

There was also an Up and Coming publication, FAYETTEVILLES’S MOST NOT WANTED — Gone And Fayetteville Moves On (cover), dated May 2018. The cover story article was entitled Tyrone Williams: What happens next? By Jeff Thompson

Just how far have we come? In November 2017, the Fayetteville citizens elected me, Tyrone Williams, because I was and I still am the most qualified for the job. I fought for transparency and accountability in government, particularly in this project. As a result, I have suffered ridicule, unfair judgment and lies from government officials who needed to cover up a bad deal. Defamation of one’s character in order to achieve the goals of getting what is desired is everyday politics, but it must stop. As a voter and taxpayer, you deserve honest and integral leadership as your representation. Vote Tyrone Williams, and you will get just that!

We as taxpayers have taxes withdrawn from each payroll check which goes directly to the government prior to being received, and we cannot have our voices or views heard in determining what is best for the city of Fayetteville. This is ridiculous and nonsense as it places us in organized types of bondage. Ask yourself: Just how far have we as Black people come? These actions and behaviors are so unfair and must be stopped. A change is needed desperately, and it has to happen very soon. There is a mentality that people still have of working in the “Big House” during these current times. Citizens have to elect the people to the City Council and other government offices that want to work hard for the taxpayers. District 2 and the entire city of Fayetteville need a change right now!

There is a discussion about $600k being taken from the budget of the city of Fayetteville to be invested into a high-rise apartment deck project located downtown. Full transparency of each and every city project that comes from the taxpayer’s money, grants, and funding must be revealed to the citizens of Fayetteville.

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