I recently introduced The Alternative Energy Advancement Act (H.R. 6383), which seeks to use proceeds from domestic oil and gas production to increase the development of new alternative energy technologies by diverting all federal proceeds from future oil and gas leases, on and off shore, into a newly created Alternative Energy Trust Fund. Let me explain the legislation:
    {mosimage}Our working families are watching in amazement as the price of gas goes up daily. In the short run, I believe we need to use more of the oil and gas that is available here in our country. Over the long run, I believe we need to develop and implement new alternative energy sources. This legislation seeks to accomplish both of these goals by using the proceeds from oil and gas leases to fund alternative energy research.
    There is a lot of talk going on in Washington about energy, but not much seems to be getting done. There are some who argue that we just need to use more of the oil available here in our country, while others say we need to focus all our effort on developing alternative energy sources.
    I hope this legislation can bridge the divide between Republicans and Democrats on the energy issue. This legislation creates an alternative energy trust fund so when we use more of the oil and natural gas reserves that are available in our country, the proceeds from those leases will fund the research and development of new energy sources for the future.
    Achieving energy independence is probably one of the greatest goals we can achieve as a nation. To get there, we need a mix of conservation, alternative energy production, and greater use of the vast energy resources that are available in our country. My frustration is that there is a wrongheaded philosophy on energy policy in Washington that says we can’t fully utilize the oil, coal and natural gas resources in this country, but says its OK for American families to seek direct help from Hugo Chavez — the Dictator from Venezuela.{mosimage}
    In order to lower energy costs, we must decrease our nation’s dependency on foreign sources of oil and gas. This bill would help the United States become more energy independent, which is critical to our nation’s economic security and national security. I will continue working with other common sense members in the House and Senate on a bipartisan basis to strive to make these reforms a reality, ultimately providing more relief for the consumer at the pump.
    The Alternative Energy Trust Fund will be available to the Secretary of Energy for research and development of alternative energy to help decrease our reliance on foreign energy and ultimately decrease energy for consumers.

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