
The new moon is fast approaching. For community members who are in sync with the moon's cycles, this new moon is significant, and Prima Elements Holistic Wellness Center, located at 124 Anderson Street in downtown Fayetteville, is hosting a New Moon Meditation on Monday, Nov. 13th from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online at Eventbrite.com. The event will include guided meditations or visualizations centered around goal setting, and manifesting dreams and personal goals.

For those unfamiliar with meditation classes, Prima Elements explains,

“A New Moon meditation class is a specific type of meditation session that typically occurs around the time of the New Moon. The New Moon is associated with new beginnings and a clean slate in astrology and many spiritual practices. During these classes, participants often focus on setting intentions, releasing what no longer serves them, and connecting with the energy of new possibilities…We provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to tap into the energies of the New Moon and align their intentions with it.”

Phases of the moon and how they affect the world are not a foreign concept for many, especially here in the South, where full moons are credited for full birthing centers and jails. According to Prima Elements, each moon phase carries a different energy to be tapped into.

“The moon phases have been a source of fascination and belief for many cultures throughout history. While the scientific evidence for direct, profound effects on individuals is limited, some believe the moon can influence human behavior and emotions.

“Here's a general overview of how moon phases are thought to affect us: 1. New Moon: It's associated with new beginnings and setting intentions. Many people use this phase for goal setting and planning.

"2. Waxing Crescent: As the moon grows, it's believed to bring energy and momentum. People often feel more motivated during this phase.

"3. First Quarter: This phase is often seen as a time for taking action, making decisions, and overcoming challenges. The moon's gravitational pull influences Earth's tides, a scientifically established phenomenon. If you find that moon phases positively impact your mindset and well-being, it can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-reflection.”

Owner and military veteran, Hilda Burgos, founded Prima Elements Holistic Wellness Center in 2012, and runs the business with her son, Adrian Burgos, and his wife, Audriaunna Burgos, managing the day-to-day operations of the Center.

Prima Elements Holistic Wellness Center is not new to meditation. They offer a host of different and unique holistic treatments for community members.

“Prima Elements provides holistic services to stressed and ailing individuals in the community. Our wellness center offers caring, expert clinicians and staff that provide natural remedies, massage, and detoxifying natural cleanses.
With a focus on holistic care and prevention, our wellness center has personalized its services to each patient, incorporating the mind, body, and spirit,” Burgos said.

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