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“When you buy something from an artist, you are buying more than an object. You are buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation. You are buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You are not buying just one thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul...and a small piece of someone else’s life," said Rebekah Joy Plett

Cape Fear Studios presented the Annual Holiday Members Exhibit on Nov. 24. The exhibit is open to Jan. 9, 2024, at Cape Fear Studios in downtown Fayetteville. Pieces from the members will be on sale throughout the exhibit.

“Cape Fear Studios, Inc. is a non-profit arts organization in historic downtown Fayetteville. We have been active for 32 years. Our mission is to involve, to educate, and to enrich Cumberland County and surrounding communities with the opportunity to create and freely view art,” said Steve Opet, Cape Fear Studios board president.

Members of Cape Fear Studios are Ray Im, Stanley Greaves, Sara Jane Lee, Sandie McFarlane, Rose Kennedy, Karen Moore, Helen “Pat” Zumbahlen, Steve Opet, Angela Stout, Edwinna Clark, Annette Szcezktek, Guy Jencks, Curtis Barnes, Jill Dieffenbach, Nancy Edge, Jaylene Nordgren, Pandy Autry, Larkin Pfeffer, Linda Sue Barnes, Gail Ferguson and Thea Cinnamon.

Ray Im is “a Korean-born lens-artist and ceramist. He executes German Deadpan aesthetics to imply cool and detached photographic gaze on a subject.” He received an honorable mention in the 2019 London International Creative Competition.

Stanley Greaves has the art specialty of sculpture and painting. He has received National Honours in Barbados, Santo Domingo, and the Gold medal for sculpture in the United Kingdom.

Steve Opet created the black and white cartoons for the 10th Mountain Division publication, “The Mountain View.” It is part of a permanent collection of the 10th Mountain Division Museum, Fort Drum, New York. His cartoons appear in “Armed with Abundance” by Meredith H. Lair. Barefoot Swingers won an Award of Excellence in West Virginia Governor’s Annual Exhibition in 2003

Angela Stout has artistic interests that range from contemporary painting, printmaking, sculpture and photography. She is a graduate of Fayetteville State University. She teaches painting and art classes at the Cape Fear Studios. –

Sara Jane Lee “expresses the complexity of human emotion evoked by an image drawn from nature. She is currently working with the medium of crayon. The textural energy of the wax and the vibrancy of the color, the crayon medium combines and expresses the whimsical side of her personality.”

Annette Szcezktek is a self-taught artist. Her specialty is florals. Her series of paintings, entitled Calla Lilly, are featured on notecards in the Georgia O’Keefe Museum Gift Shop in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her paintings are featured in corporate collections across Fayetteville. Her work can be seen at the Health Pavilion North, Department of Social Services, Women Wellness Center, First South Bank and Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation.

The gallery features paintings, photography, sculptures, pottery, wood and glass art and fine jewelry. Art classes and workshops are available for personal enrichment. The artwork and workshops are wonderful gift alternatives to hats, gloves, scarves, ties and perfume.

Come to the Annual Holiday Members Exhibit until Jan. 9, 2024. The location is 148 Maxwell Street in downtown Fayetteville. The exhibit is free to attend during studio hours, Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 910-433-2986.

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