
Left: Nat Robertson, President of the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce speaks at the Best of Fayetteville 2023 Party.
Middle: Bill Bowman, Publisher of Up & Coming Weekly presents a Best of Fayetteville Award to the Cliffdale Regional Branch in 2023.
Right: Representative Diane Wheatley, NC House District 43 talks to the attendees at the 2023 Best of Fayetteville Party.
(Photos by Royal Soleil)

For 28 years, the Up & Coming Weekly community newspaper has proudly served residents, visitors, and guests by providing timely, accurate, and trustworthy news,
views, and relevant community information, enhancing the quality of life in Fayetteville and Cumberland County.

Up & Coming Weekly is equally proud that our 27-year-old Best of Fayetteville initiative has survived the test of time in recognizing the people, businesses, and organizations who have been exceptionally successful in investing their time, talent, passion, and financial resources into defining the values and standards of excellence in our community.

Our Annual Best of Fayetteville readers survey is unique in several ways. We receive thousands of ballots and painstakingly record the comments and sentiments of our readers, who pride themselves on determining who deserves to be acknowledged and honored as Fayetteville’s Best of the Best.

However, our Best of Fayetteville readers' survey is not scientific. It is an informal, well-executed, documented survey that has proven highly efficient, accurate, and
incredibly reliable for the past 27 years. We make no claims otherwise. Our longevity, popularity, notoriety, and success bear this out.

The Up & Coming Weekly’s Best of Fayetteville survey mustn’t be confused with other local and online advertising, marketing, and promotional programs.
Our readers solely decide the merits of the winners by their survey entries.

We do not accept nominations, and no person, business, or organization must purchase advertising space, sponsorships, or event tickets to find out who the winners are.

Most importantly, U&CW’s Best of Fayetteville does not award or recognize 2nd or 3rd-place finishers or honorable mentions. We implement strict, well-defined, and monitored voting guidelines that elevate the Best of Fayetteville designation’s value, honor, and prestige. There can be only one Best of Fayetteville winner for each category.

We will again celebrate the 2024 Best of Fayetteville winners with an Award Presentation Party on September 24th at the Crown Coliseum Complex hosted by Up & Coming Weekly and the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. This is where we will recognize and honor these local outstanding people, businesses, and institutions and their achievements.

The Fayetteville community, as our newspaper, has changed over the last 27 years. However, the Best of Fayetteville survey and our commitment to our readers have not. We continue to accentuate Fayetteville’s “Best of the Best” aspects. And you, the reader, is a significant part of the process. For this, we are grateful.

The Up & Coming Weekly Best of Fayetteville edition you are holding in your hands will serve you well throughout the year. It is a valuable visitors' guide, shopping, service directory, event, and cultural resource. In print and online, the Visitors Bureau, the City, County, and Chamber of Commerce will utilize this Special Edition
of Up & Coming Weekly throughout the year to promote the Fayetteville community and the people, businesses, and organizations that define it.

Since the first ballots were cast more than two and a half decades ago, Up & Coming Weekly has proudly told the Best of Fayetteville winners’ stories. With your votes and support, we are incredibly proud to share this year’s Best of the Best winners.

Please join me, the Up & Coming Weekly staff, and all our 2024 Best of Fayetteville winners and sponsors as we begin this year-long celebration. This Special Edition will be posted online at — with 24/7, 365-day-a year access to the Best of Fayetteville winners directory. While on the website, sign up for your FREE electronic subscription to the Up & Coming Weekly community newspaper and receive it conveniently on your home or work computer.

I want to thank our sponsors for their support and participation in making this Best of Award's Party successful. Nat Robertson, President of the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, Beasley Media Group, and the most critical component of any survey, Lee Utley of Utley & Knowles CPAs, have partnered with us for over two decades. Every legitimate survey needs the oversight of a competent CPA, and we have the best. Utley’s services have been invaluable in maintaining the integrity of the survey.

General Manager Seth Benalt and Asst. Mgr. Dorothy Strahley of the Crown Coliseum Complex did an outstanding job coordinating and setting up the Awards Party.

Last but certainly not least, a very special thank you to Don Garner and the entire Up & Coming Weekly staff, who have spent
months working tirelessly on this major undertaking.

Best of Fayetteville is our most significant and challenging event and the most popular and most-read edition of the year. With pride, they have gone above and beyond their duties to produce this award-winning publication. Keep it handy and refer to it often.

We sincerely thank you for reading Up & Coming Weekly and supporting Fayetteville’s only local community newspaper.

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